What is Reiki? ...and why it is so life changing

intuition intuitive energetic medicine reiki Jan 01, 2024

Hello Sacred Soul and welcome back to the Earth Soul Blog!

Today I want to share some knowledge and wisdom with you about one of my most cherished topics: Reiki.

I was initiated onto the path of reiki, and into my reiki lineage, when I was 17. This was shortly after having a very difficult and trying time in my life and dealing with a throat sickness that persisted every year for 3 years. This throat sickness would return to me for 3 months every year and give me no voice, a barking cough and an immense amount of shame, fear and difficulty in my personal life.

Every time it would strike it would lead me to feeling more depleted and disconnected from myself. I dreaded its reoccurrence and often found myself anticipating its return with frustration and bitterness.

Finally, as I shared, I was initiated into reiki. I could really tell you the tale of how reiki found me, but I will leave that to you to read further in this post where I detailed this experience.

Returning to the intention of this post, I want to share with you what Reiki is and why it is so life changing. For I am not the first person who has been greatly affected by this healing modality, and I certainly won't be the last.

Reiki is a Japanese form of energy healing that was created and received from the universal intelligence by a man named Mikao Usui. This form of energy healing helps us harness the practice of spiritually guiding life-force energy in the body to create harmony, power and healing on all levels of being.

Life-force energy, often just called energy or vibration, is the frequency that makes up all of life. This energy is what animates and gives life to us, our bodies, the trees, the flowers, the animals, insects... even your home, your car and your phone are all made up of this living energy. Everything you know within your reality is made up of energy, this is the nature of all that exists.

Being attuned (initiated) into a reiki lineage and the reiki teachings is what allows you to guide this energy. Understanding how it flows and works is what helps us to apply it for our benefit in healing. Even though this method specifically applies to the energetic body - that is so often forgotten about in western culture - it truly works to healing the entire being in mind, body and soul as it is all connected in one single flow of energy. We separate the multidimensional reality of the self to better understand it, but ultimately it works as a single being in every moment, interconnected to all aspects of the self and relying on the full picture to function optimally.

This simple truth is why I feel Reiki has such a strong impact on people. When you change your energy in any way, especially in a method that helps you to heal, there is a ripple effect that naturally occurs in the rest of your being and the rest of your life.

For example, when I set out to heal my throat sickness and recover what I felt was missing or lost from my throat energy, my entire life began to change as a result.

The throat governs your ability to speak and hear, to be heard and to use your voice, to be your authentic self unapologetically, to express yourself freely and share your gifts with the world. All things I desperately needed to address and work on at the young and ripe age of 18.

When my healing began, I instantly healed physically from the throat sickness and didn't have another throat sickness ever again until my second spiritual awakening in 2020.

My relationships with others changes drastically as I began the long process of shedding the people-pleaser archetype from my life and finally chose to take the steps that were necessary to living authentically as me.

My emotions started to take a front seat and the part of me that I had suppressed for so long - the Emily who was deeply emotional and sensitive - finally started to get some much needed time in the spotlight and I shifted who I spent time with and what I did as a result of this.

My connection to my purpose changed as well, for the more I tapped into who I truly was, the less I found I could continue lying to myself about my life and how truly discontent and unhappy I was with how it was unfolding.

Writing this out and reflecting on it now seems easy, but these were some of the most difficult parts of my experience to date.

Healing my throat energy also began the process of healing my heart and how many times I had betrayed myself in my life to help or please others. That healing hit an all-time peak in 2019 when I finally, truly, conclusively chose myself over others and decided to create this business that was a true reflection of me and my greatest gifts to offer the world.

This is but one story of many I can share with you on the power of this healing modality.

There are countless stories of love, rebirth, healing, truth, empowerment and more that my previous clients and current students could share with you on how it has altered their life experience in the most positive and profound ways.

Ultimately, Reiki comes to you at the time you need it for it is a CATALYST on your journey. Every person I know who has taken the time to learn this art form has experienced it like this. It activates you, inspires you, motivates you, empowers you... to change what needs to be changed. To become who you came here to be. To unlearn and de-condition yourself from all the ways in which you are sabotaging your own efforts and hurting yourself along the way.

Reiki is life-changing because it was created by the Divine to be and do so.

This is also why I chose to completely abandon all other work I had in 2019 and return to the roots that healed me and transformed my life entirely in 2009. I left behind all the parts of me that didn't truly fit the bill of what I wanted to do to fully embody my true calling of being an intuitive teacher.

If this really speaks to you and you desire to know more, I invite you to download my freebie, Intuitive, Intentional and Grounded here, or explore my signature Reiki course here.

I want to close this blog with a simple exploration for you...

What blocks do you have that you know about?
What is currently holding you back most that desires to be released?
What would life look like if you stepped into you authentic power?
How would your relationships change if you were more real and true to your heart?
What needs healing in your experience right now?

Reiki can you help you with all of this and more. I've seen it work magic and miracles on people, and witnessing how people change their life after they learn this modality is my favourite part of what I do!

I welcome you to explore this method of healing with an open mind and heart.

Blessings and love to you,

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