You are ready to...

Be spiritually guided and connected all the time

Move through difficult life situations with unshakeable faith

Confidently embody your purpose in this lifetime

Learn how to release your limitations and heal yourself

Transform fear into faith and live a life guided by your Soul

Unleash the sacred, wild and wise wisdom within you

Discover your innate and individual gifts

Live a intuitive life with more ease, flow and joy

Hello Sacred Soul, I’m Emily

I was introduced to spirituality at a very young age, and as I got older and explored it in-depth I had a deep realization that this was my calling. When I was 18, I received a miraculous healing from a single Reiki session and it opened up the gateway of the energetic world for me. I enrolled in a Reiki level one course that same week and went on to continue my education in the healing arts. My work has transformed immensely over the years, but this course in particular is a major extension of my own divine purpose in this lifetime.

I have taken my Reiki master education and used it as the foundation for the creation of this course. Typically when you learn Reiki it is given to you over one or two days and then after that you are left to explore the energetic, spiritual, intuitive and natural worlds by yourself without any guidance or further direction. Teaching Reiki this way isn’t wrong, it’s even how I have done it in the past. But I received clear guidance to evolve the teachings that I received not only in Reiki, but in many other areas of my education and make it into a single course that opens up that well of wisdom within every individual who enrols.

This course will help you understand the world of energy, develop your intuition, discover your own unique medicine {gifts} and heal yourself so that you can live a soul-led life.

Welcome dear one!

More about Emily

The channels of healing energy are already a part of you. I am offering you the tools and knowledge you need to explore your own divine and intuitive nature.


We are a part of a universe that is deeply connected and full of magic...

Everything is made up of living, vibrating energy... including you!

The most profound healing comes to us when we acknowledge our innate connection through the Soul and work with our own energetic field to transform our world.

This course is not just any regular energy healing or reiki course...

It is an invitation for you to be reborn by remembering your own innate abilities and embodying your most authentic self as you step into your power unlike ever before.

I invite you to wake up to your own intuitive energetic medicine.

Level One: Awakening Healing

Level one is the foundation for all four levels. Here you learn how to heal yourself on all levels of being - mind, body and soul. You also learn a lot of spiritual methods, learn new ways of creating sacredness in your life and explore your energetic being through many different practices. You dive into your own sacred universe within and really start to establish a fresh connection with your Soul and your personal gifts. The meditations and practices are all deep inwards journeys of self-love and healing to connect you to your true source of inner power.

Initiate yourself into the course through ceremony and intention

Setting the Space
Learn how to prepare a space for healing and alter your environment

Introduction to Reiki
Explore what this healing modality is and how it can change your life

Spirit Consciousness
Understand the deep connections you have to the world around you

The Seven Chakras
Get to know the seven centers of the body and their infinite teachings

Embark on a self-healing experience and learn the power of taking your healing into your own hands

Returning to Sacredness
Deeply understand your worth, your infinite potential and cultivate gratefulness


*Please note: Even if you have already completed a Reiki level one training, you must still go through level one of this course to proceed to the others levels I offer.*

Level Two: Sharing your gifts

Level Two is a wonderful journey to help you learn how to extend your healing energies out to others! I found level two was the most exciting for me because I always loved helping others, so the idea of even just helping my friends and family create more healing and harmony in their lives excited me! This level is about sharing the healing modality of reiki but beyond that it is about sharing your own personal gifts of all kinds with the world and honouring how everything you have to offer holds its own vibrational power.

Initiating yourself into the course once again and exploring how you open a space for healing for others

The Second Degree of Reiki
Deepening your Reiki education and learning the sacred symbols of level two, how to use them to amplify your healing sessions for yourself, your environment and other people

Sharing your Light
Understand even further boundary rituals, protection and how your healing work can shift others and the world as a whole.

Blissful Business
Learn how to start a Bliss-ness with this beautiful healing modality! I give you a rundown of what to charge, how long to make your treatments and more.

Journeying and Channeling
Learn how to participate in deeper psychic practices like shamanic journeying and channelling for yourself and others.

Energy Transformation
Deeply understand how you influence the energy of others, how you as the conduit can create change and transformation.

You are a Healer
Go through another 21-day healing cleanse, more deeply understand yourself and close the course with your intentions.


*Level two is only open to those who have completed level one*

Level Three: Living your Legacy

Coming 2024

Master Teacher: Living the Teachings

Coming 2025

How these courses work

Within each level you have a set of modules called “Branches” and each branch gives you educational tools through instructional videos, guided audio practices and PDF documents with a vast amount of information to deepen and explore your own intuitive energy healing practice.

Each week, for the first seven weeks, a new branch will open up with new information. You get an email every time this opens up to introduce you to the new branch and help you integrate it.

The course also has a large collection of Q & A’s to answer everyone’s most burning questions, a comments section for community to foster connection between students, bonus contributions from other conscious businesses and consistent support from me throughout the entirety of your Intuitive Energetic Medicine education. It it an honour to be your teacher!

This course has been intuitively designed to provide you with information in a specific order to help you understand it and integrate it as best as possible.

Though I am teaching you this, you are the one guiding your journey here. This is a self-paced course, once you have access to it, you have it for life! Let it be your guide for the many wonderful experiences to come!

Sharing Abundance

A portion of your tuition is donated back to the conscious nonprofit organization of Operation Underground Railroad.

Who this course is for:

  • Anyone who wants to explore natural wellness, energy healing and spirituality from a place of grounded empowerment and bliss.

  • Those who are drawn to Reiki or energy healing because they know there is a force greater than them that holds great potential for change and transformation.

  • Anyone who wants to heal themselves on all levels of being - body, mind and soul.

  • Anyone who believes in the magic of the reality in which we live in and is ready to experience more of it.

  • Those who have been told they are intuitive and/or believe they are intuitive and are ready to understand how to foster that connection to themselves and theirs gifts in the unseen realm

  • Total beginners to natural healing and energy medicine or seasoned practitioners wanting to deepen their devotion.

  • All those who want to open a direct source of healing within themselves to expand their communication with the world around them.

  • Those who want to experience more profound and meaningful experiences in all life.

  • Those interested in exploring new relationships, energies, spirits and life in other realms.

  • Those who are feeling the call to work with a world that is truly alive and ensouled with infinite medicine.

  • Those interested in learning Reiki, or holistic healers looking to deepen and expand their practice.

Who this course isn’t for:

  • Those who want a quick text book, one day course on Reiki energy healing so they can jump ahead with a certificate hanging on their wall.

  • Those who don’t believe in a higher power, the magic of life, manifestation, miracles or synchronicities

  • Those who believe only in matter, not in the life-force energy that makes up all of life, or the reality that the world around us alive with infinite potential.

  • Those who think tree hugging, wearing flowers in your hair, having crystals on an altar, or receiving energy healing are all non-real ways to actually heal.

  • Those who only trust western medicine for their healing and wellness. It has its place, and we deeply respect it, but this course is about healing on a level of energy which changes our vibration as a whole.

  • Those who don’t believe in the "woo". Witches, herbs, nature, Shamans, natural healers, spiritual hippies, miracles, Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, meditation and yoga. You’ll find all that and more here… think Rivendell without as many pointy ears.

  • Those who think they need permission, certification or credentials after their name in order to practice any kind of healing. You don’t have to have any special qualifications to practice energetic healing, it is a modality open to anyone and everyone.

  • Those with stubborn and closed-minded thinking that believe they’ve got this life down-pat and don’t need to learn anything more.

Answer the call of your Soul.


Your sacred healing education is ready for you wherever you are.