Hello + my {first} spiritual awakening.

intuitive energetic medicine reiki Jan 02, 2023
Emily Moran
Hello + my {first} spiritual awakening.

Dearest Anam Cara,

{Anam cara is Gaelic for Soul Friend}

Welcome to my blog! I'm excited to be starting this blog this year. I've wanted to have a blog space for a while now but in full honesty, I created blogs in the past that didn't feel true or aligned for me and it ultimately deterred me from creating one again. It would always be about recipes and yoga - both things I have no desire to be known for - and felt more like a chore than anything! Now I know what it is I want to be known for, but more importantly I know what it is that I actually truly enjoy writing and talking about. So, here I am.

As a simple introductory blog, I thought I would tell you a little bit about myself and my journey... 

I grew up in a household that held much resistance to organized religion of all kinds, and as a result I didn't grow up with any specific set of rules about what to believe in regards to Source Energy, God or any almighty Creator. Nevertheless though, having a father who was seeking a new way of seeing the world through a more freeing and kind spiritual lens, I grew up going to crystal shops, pulling oracle cards and learning to meditate as young as age 5 or 6 (that I can remember). I also recall frequently seeing other people around me and playing with them that no one else could see or hear. I feel blessed that I was able to explore myself so intentionally and deeply.

As I got older into my teen years, I really lost myself in trying to discover my identity. I turned to excessive use of marijuana and alcohol and reached a point in my life where I woke up and didn't recognize who I was anymore. Shortly after this I found reiki... or as the cliché goes... reiki found me.

I was very sick with a consistent and persistent sickness of the throat for three years. A barking cough and complete loss of voice would come to me every year for 3 months a year and it made me avoid the world. Against my desire to avoid everyone when I was voiceless, my friend demanded that I attended a sacred fire ceremony at the local park in my hometown of Niagara Falls, where we were gathering in sacred ceremony to keep a fire lit for 24 hours. At this event, there were a couple of practitioners offering samples of different modalities in promotion of their work. After some time, the reiki practitioner wasn't very busy and just wanted to share the love of reiki so she offered me a reiki session. I felt dizzy a bit but otherwise nothing special. She picked up on the throat issues with holding back my voice in relation to my family and some worries that I was carrying. I went home thinking nothing much of it at all, and went home to rest.

The next morning I woke up with no sickness at all and haven't had another throat sickness since! I was so amazed by this method of healing that I went back to the ceremony and enrolled in the Reiki master's level one training the following week.

This single moment set me on the course that I was desperately trying to discover in my life. Reiki was the catalyst I was searching for that I had no idea I needed... that also completely changed everything for me.

This experience happened back in 2009 and I have been actively practicing Reiki ever since up until this year, I have now completely shifted my focus to teaching and initiating others into this modality with my signature course - Intuitive Energetic Medicine, which gives you that strong foundation of the ancient teaching of reiki, as well as my 13+ years of education in spiritual practices.

Reiki helped me to see what I couldn't in the darkness of my life and as a result I found myself and my purpose. The journey continues to unfold, but it gives me so much comfort to know that I always have energy work, intuition and my own expansive soul to guide me through all of life's challenges.

If you are looking for something to kick start your personal transformation, then Reiki is truly a fantastic place to start!

My goal with this blog is to share stories like this with teachings embedded into them so that you can receive nuggets of what I have to offer and share with you.

Thank you for being here with me, your presence enhances this online space immensely.

Blessed be,

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