Journey into the heart and soul of nature.

Anam Cara - Soul Friend

Welcome to a year-long journey through the Wheel of the Year!

This is a course that weaves together Celtic wisdom with the cycles of nature in alignment with the Wheel of the Year (whose dates and times are based on the British Isles).

In it we will explore traditional stories and festivities that were practiced in the days of old and how we can practice these 8 festivals as a ritual through our own nature today.

We also explore herbs, plants, crafts, animals, trees and stories that correspond with these cycles of nature and the changing of the seasons.

This way of cyclical living is often forgotten and what we are tapping into here together is the remembrance that...

we are nature.

In honouring the cycles and energies reflected in our external environment we can also honour the same ebbs and flows within ourselves.

As within, so without.
As above, so below.

8 festivals of nature

The dates we are gathering online for the next round are as follows, and this is the last time I will be doing it live.

All calls are at 1:00pm EST.

Initiation: November 22nd, 2023
December 13th, 2023
Imbolc: January 31st, 2024
Ostara: March 6th, 2024
Beltane: May 1st, 2024
Litha: June 19th, 2024
Lughnasadh: July 31st, 2024
Mabon: September 18th, 2024
Samhain: October 30th, 2024
Closing: November 13th, 2024

Because I am expecting my first child due on March 19th (Spring Equinox) the Ostara date is slightly earlier.

Scroll down to read more about the abundant blessings in this offering

What is included:

🌻 10 online gatherings for all 8 of the traditional Sabbats of Yule, Imbolc, Ostara, Beltane, Litha, Lughnasadh, Mabon and Samhain, as well as an opening and closing ceremony to set intentions as a community.

🌿 One big package with 8 different handmade plant medicines sent to you in the mail for each of the 8 festivals. These will include things like salves, teas, sprays, smoke bundles and more! All herbal medicines handmade by me.

🌕 Each call will consist of a journey to a specific place with specific animals and plants and with a specific intention like receiving your own personal symbol, connecting with your ancestors and so on.

*Lifetime access*

About Emily

Hello Anam Cara and welcome!

Like many people who feel drawn to Celtic wisdom and lore, I have ancestry that goes back into Scotland, Ireland and England. I am simply in love with all things related to the history and culture that was born from the British Isles - both in the Insular Celtic traditions and otherwise.

This offering really came through me in the middle of an awakening of sorts, I found myself seeking deeper connection to who I am and in a series of {seemingly magical} events I suddenly was shown, given or told of numerous ways to connect back to my own roots in the British Isles.

An ancestor came and spoke to me in a journey, she told me her name, what she did for a living in her time and shared that I am ready to remember my roots. I was able to find that exact ancestor by tracing her back in my lineage and have been consciously connecting with and remembering these lost parts of my ancestral traditions ever since.

The world of Celtic wisdom is vast and sometimes a little difficult to trace back to a true source. I do not replicate or copy any specific source, I just bring the foundational teachings of stories, folklore, earth-based spirituality and animistic practices into what I have to share with you. This is what I believe it truly means to remember your roots, live in ritual and ceremony and honour the nature of who we are.

What will each gathering have?

Traditional Celebrations

Animal & Tree Allies

Ceremonies & Practices

Shamanic Journeys

"The Celtic imagination articulates the inner friendship that embraces Nature, divinity, underworld, and human world as one. The dualism that separates the visible from the invisible, time from eternity, the human from the divine, was totally alien to them."

~ John O'Donohue

Every year I add a little more content to it. In the 2022 round I included information about the Celtic Gods and Goddesses and how to work with them. This year I've decided to include more about animals who were important to the Celts.

This year I've shifted it slightly as well to accommodate my new role of motherhood. The calls a slightly shorter with a strong focus on the ceremonies we create together and the journeys for self-discovery.

I'm looking forward to welcoming another round of students to this absolutely life-changing and deeply enchanting offering!

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