Dear Entrepreneur,

I see you. I know the hustle, the push, the desire to grow and feeling like you keep going in circles with your gifts and wondering when it's all going to make sense! When will I find my zone of genius? How do I put all these ideas into words? What is my brand? My message? I gotta change my website again... ahhhh! I've been there in all these scenarios many times. I've followed and re-invented so many wheels in my business that it doesn't even look slightly similar to how it started back in 2019.

With much effort, slowness, listening, guidance and extremely helpful tools... I've found my most authentic expression in my business completely guided by my natural energy and, you guessed it... my intuition!

I want to help you do the same.

I've been "in the arena" for over a decade

In the last 14 years I've created over 5 businesses for myself, mostly in the healing/ creative/ spiritual realm, and I've helped countless others do the same for many other businesses in retail, services, experiences and otherwise. I'll never claim to have all the answers, but I know my zone of genius well - which is all things intuition!

In this 5-week course I am going to help you understand your natural intuitive gifts and harness them fully in your business to create a legacy that feels potent, aligned and powerful to you.

On each call we will discuss a new topic, the intuitive aspects to it, what common blocks are involved and how to create greater alignment in your work with this information. At the end of each call I will also give you the opportunity to ask questions and seek guidance from me.

This course merges together shamanic journeys, Human Design and group mentorship to help you harness your innate gifts as confidently as possible.

We begin on Monday, January 15th and close on Monday, February 12th

Call 1:
Fresh Ideas & Beginnings

On this call I will cover the business archetypes, getting started, intention, natural intuition, creating alignment and building from JOY.

Call 2:
You are your Business

On this call I will cover your brand/ signature, how you need to and can stay in your lane (no distractions!), creating consistency, goal setting and doing what you LOVE.

Call 3:
Birthing your Offers

On this call I will cover some basics of your online home (website), intentional creations, messaging, marketing, actually doing the thing, and how to recycle content.

Call 4:
Structure & Flow

This call is all about avoiding creative and energetic burnout, the dynamics of masculine and feminine energy in business, knowing when to stop and when to go and allowing what is to guide you.

Call 5:
Creating your Legacy

On this call I will help you answer the question "what do you do" with confidence, connect with your legacy, explore money/ purpose/ success, and help you make intentional choices for your business.

Who would love this offer the most?

My work naturally appeals more to women, but men who have a gentler disposition to their energy greatly appreciate my approach as well.

Ultimately, if you want to connect with the SOUL of your business and integrate it with your intuition to be more grounded, connected and confident in your work - then you will LOVE this.

This is not an ideal course for those who want the answers given to them. My teaching style offers you a foundation of knowledge to work with and the practices (shamanic journeys) to actually experience the truth of what I'm saying through YOUR sacred medicine (your soul, your spirit, your wonderful self!)

This course is also highly recommended for someone who already has a business foundation - an idea has already been born and launched - and less for a startup or anyone starting from zero. This is a guideline more than a requirement, as it will just make more sense if you already have some form of direction in your work.

This course is currently closed, sign up for the waitlist to be notified when it opens again!

Sign up for the waitlist

I'll let you know first when the course is about to open!