Your intuition is key

intuition intuitive energetic medicine reiki Apr 11, 2023

I feel a constant need and desire to share more about intuition because it seems that the intuitive way is undergoing abuse or negative associations all the time. Living an intuitively guided life can be called many things... wild wisdom, soul-led or soulful living, natural living, heart-led living... whatever you want to call it, it all returns to the bare bones of who we are: Powerful earth beings with innate instincts.

I once had a teacher who's wisdom I loved so much in regards to the body and movement, but one day he chalked intuition up to just calling upon what you already know... like zero sixth sense or natural instincts attached to it.

This way of seeing intuition actually threatens the very nature of who we are.

We are born with natural instincts which are guiding us like a compass to everything we need to know! The easiest way I always refer to this is simple:

How do you know that someone is sad, even though they claim they are ok or fine? You feel it with your intuition.

How do you know that something is right/wrong? Is it because you know absolutely everything there is to know about it and as a result you can make the most informed decision about it? No. That can easily contribute to the process, but it is your intuition that lights up inside of you like a lightbulb saying - this is right, or this is wrong.

Without intuition, it's just information.

Where does your intuition come from? The deep place inside of you known as your SOUL. The eternal part of who you are that is one with God/ Divine/ Creator - whichever name feels great for your higher power.

Your intuition is the language your soul uses to communicate with you and guide you in all your life's choices.

This feminine process of listening is so essential for all of us right now. If we all developed our intuition then you would see a lot more harmony in our world because the choices we make would be greatly informed by the soul.

How your intuition speaks to you will be completely unique and individual to you. Some people experience it through visions, some have it's where they hear things like sounds, or voices, some have it where it's a deep feeling in their body, and some people just know things without any understanding of how they know it.

It actually doesn't matter how it speaks to you. What matters is that you take the time to listen to it, and act on it. Because if you do not act on your intuition, then it is just purposeless information coming to you directly from your soul.

What your intuition can provide for you is clarity, understanding, healing, messages, guidance, and insights into everything that you are actively creating or working on in your life.

I don't know about you, but that sounds pretty ideal to me!

So, how can you let your intuition in?

I'll give you one of my simplest practices here, but if you really want to dive into this I recommend you check out my signature course.

Feeling Intuition Practice

This is ideal to practice when you are faced with a decision to make. It can be absolutely any decision in your life from the simple things like choosing what to eat for dinner, to the more elaborate things like "where should I move to?". All that matters is that you take time to listen to what your body, your mind and your heart are telling you. 

I recommend you do steps 2-4 with your eyes closed, looking within.

1. Receive the situation you must make a decision about

2. Ask your mind what it feels in regards to the decision and let it respond

3. Ask your body what it feels in regards to the decision and let it respond

4. Ask your heart what it feels in regards to the decision and let it respond

5. NOW, what decision feels most right to you?

If you do not yet feel confident on this, then just wait a bit. Sometimes when we ponder we have to let the energy settle in life and within ourselves before making a decision.

Your intuition is not usually confusing, if it is then you are probably attempting to control it with your thoughts still. Try to be neutral about it before asking again.

A lot of the time your intuition is also very surprising, scary, startling and bold. Know that it is still guiding you to what is most right and aligned for you.

Give it a try and see what comes up!

To your intuitive nature,

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