Triskele: Birth, Death & Rebirth

animism ceremony shamanic practices Feb 13, 2023
Emily Moran
Triskele: Birth, Death & Rebirth

Maybe you've noticed that I often integrate the symbol of the triskele or the triple spiral into my branding. Every once in a while someone will ask me about the symbol and I find it difficult to put into words how truly powerful it is for me.

The symbol itself came to me as a gift from my ancestors. You might have heard me reference a journey once where an ancestor from Scotland came to me and told me her name and what she did for a living and I was able to trace her back in my ancestry without ever having met her.

That same ancestor gifted me with the symbol of the triskele. It was a symbol I had seen many times before but I truly has no direct understanding of what it meant - or what it would come to symbolize and mean to me.

The triskele is of Celtic origin, going back to the time period of the Iron age, it was found on many different items through the use of various art forms. The symbol itself has many different designs, but it always depicts three spirals or circular shapes connected in the very center.

Since this was a time of prehistory where nothing was written down, we can only make guesses or assume what the symbol itself means. The Celts always enjoyed many things in sacred threes as well so there are other symbols that reflect this trinity of power, another common one being the triquetra. Some believe that it is for the holy trinity of father, son and holy spirit; another belief is that of the triple goddess energy of maiden, mother and crone; others believe it is symbolic of the three elements that were most sacred to the Celts of Earth, Sea and Sky. I personally found the triple spiral came to me with the wisdom of cycles in birth, death and rebirth.

I honestly don't feel it matters too much what it is associated with, like many things it is our perception which changes a thing and gives it meaning. What I can tell you for certain though is that it is a very powerful symbol and it does hold immense meaning. Just because we can't directly pinpoint what that meaning is does not mean it loses any power or potency whatsoever.

When the triskele came to me as this symbol of cycles, I chose to be open to what that would mean for me. I had no idea what was to come.

Over the next 2 years of my life I would be completely transformed and rebirthed. I'm still in this process and it is still shaking me up in the best way every day.

I really wanted to share this with you now though because this past weekend I found myself immersed in ceremony. One of the most intense ceremonies I've ever experienced.

I set the space for ceremony with cards, incense, intention and intuition.

My overarching intention for the entirety of it was similar to the intention I held for Imbolc - to become who I came here to be and do what I came here to do and as a result I would be open to letting go everything that needed to go and welcoming everything that needed to come.

Well, let me tell you. I got exactly that.

I did a meditation on the triskele, as I was guided to, and felt a deep release starting already. Tears flowed from my face as I felt the weight of the last three years rise up to the surface to be released. I had no idea how much I was still holding on to.

Then we journeyed and I rode my wolf guide to the top of a hill in Ireland and I saw all my ancestors there with my guides. They were all around a fire and simply said "You are ready now, we are with you."

We began this deep journey inwards and all my pain in my body was accumulating in my throat, I started to sigh loudly with deep breaths and loud "ahhhhhhh"s coming through me. The pain of the last few years was overwhelming me and sitting in my throat. It would not let go until I brought life to my voice every time.

Then it was sent down into the depths of my womb space and I started having pain there like intense menstrual cramps. My voice was still the only thing that moved the energy though.

Finally, in my inner sight I saw all the darkness, pain and trauma of the last few years and then all these same things from my entire lifetime accumulating in my womb, growing like a baby. It got more and more intense.

Then Brigid appeared next to me and said "from darkness you are reborn"

I birthed a baby from this darkness, and when Brigid placed her in my arms I saw that it was me. I was the baby and I had just birthed myself.

I felt overwhelmed with love, and knew that I would no longer carry the intense pain of my life with me into my experiences.

I removed my tears-soaked blindfold and immediately felt the most overwhelming sense of gratitude I've ever felt in my life. I felt in love with myself, my journey and my life and saw how beautiful it was in every way.

Since this experience, I've allowed myself to just lean in to the wisdom of rebirth and how we can truly rebirth ourselves from any experience in life.

We are born from darkness, and so from darkness we are reborn.

I saw how vital the process of birth, death and rebirth is to all of us. If we do not heed the call of our cycles, we will surely find ourselves stuck in them, and ultimately stagnant in our growth and evolution that we have come here to experience in this life.

More importantly though, if we do not embrace the cycle for what it is, we will miss out on the infinite amount of love available for us to experience in our lifetime.

In Birth we welcome a new beginning, adventure or fresh start.
In Death we welcome a shedding, letting go and release.
In Rebirth we welcome the energy of love that wants to return to us.

And then the cycle continues.

Embracing the phases of birth, death and rebirth will only open the gateway that is your heart to all that you truly want to experience in this lifetime.

I invite you now to explore what part of the cycle you find yourself in and how you can truly dive into your own depths to explore it and embrace it that much more.

If you want to talk more about this, message me on IG and maybe I can help you out in this reflection. I have an offering coming soon with this in March for an intimate group of women to join me! You'll hear more soon enough.

I'm in the cycles with you, always.

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