Spring Equinox Blessings

ceremony earth wisdom wheel of the year Mar 14, 2023
Emily Moran
Spring Equinox Blessings

Spring equinox is just around the corner and I wanted to share with you practical ways that you can integrate a conscious practice into the beautiful festival of Ostara!

Spring is naturally a time that really speaks to many people, for the reason that it brings so much brightness and lightness to our environment. The flowers are blooming, the birds are chirping, the sun is high in the sky, and we naturally start to feel ready to emerge from the cave of winter.

When we look to this festival astrologically, it is when the sun enters the sign of Aries. Generally, at this time there will be a perfect balance of light and dark throughout our days, so there will be about 12 hours of light and 12 hours of darkness as the sun is directly over the equator. The earth, of course, feels this very intensely, and everything starts to sprout up from the ground again, from that sweet and yummy slumber of a nurturing winter.

Since we are a part of nature, we are no different. We begin to feel that same stirring inside of us to do more, to plan more, to explore more, to try new things... to start to get together with each other once again!

If you're like me, maybe you hibernated and went into a heavy introvert-mode in the winter months and now you're ready to finally see your friends again!

Let's just start there... take a moment to let yourself consider what spring means to you. Journal it if you feel guided.


Some of us might have some things that we frequently do every year when spring rolls around, but maybe this will be the year that you do something different. 

So, that is the second piece I want to offer you in this blog is to think about what your intentions are for this spring. Journal it if you feel guided.


When we look to nature as our guide, we can see similarities between what happens in our external environment and our internal environment. So, spring always brings us the energy of the NEW, a new beginning, a fresh start, the first few steps on a new journey... This is actually the optimal time for all of us to start new things which could be a business, a new goal, anything that you've wanted to do for a while but have been putting of... it might just take root in the springtime!

I actually adore this energy and find it really beautiful to witness in my community when spring comes and everyone starts doing things, launching things or planning things... it makes me so excited! I'm just like... Yeah! Go! You got this! Because someone might launch something that is new to us but they've been thinking about it for a long time. We have no idea! Promoting others to follow their heart might just be my biggest love language! 

That's the next thing I invite you to contemplate at this time: Is there anything at this time that you've been sitting on for a while that you feel is ready to come to life for you?

If there is, what is it? What do you need to do to accomplish this? Starting planting the seeds of action in your mind by forming a plan around this.


The next thing I want you to do is to see the spring equinox as a time of celebration. It might seem difficult to imagine this as a time of celebration for some of us... especially if you just went through a really intense and dark winter period, but this is truly a time to celebrate all that you have.

In the past when spring would roll around every year, people would have been deeply appreciative and grateful to have simply made it through another winter. Those little spring flowers we love so much would not have just been there, they would have brought intense emotions to the mind and heart... "Thank the Creator, we made it!"

Take some time to honour what you went through personally in these last few months of winter. What did you release? What did you welcome? What was your winter experience like? Journal it if you feel guided.


Finally, last but not least, I invite you to take some time to enjoy this spring equinox by taking some inspired action - just for you. This could be painting eggs, going for a walk, reading a book, taking a bath, going on a trip... whatever you feel the call to do! Follow what is charming you right now!

I wish you all the best for another beautiful Ostara greeting us on our doorstep!

Blessed be

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