Plant spirit truths + messages

animism earth wisdom plant spirit medicine Jan 30, 2023
Emily Moran
Plant spirit truths + messages

In honour of my new mini course Plant Spirit Medicine launching on Feb 1st, I wanted to open this blog space with some magical truths about this practice and a story I've experienced with a specific plant. I already shared one last week on the blog, but something I really want to drive home here is how transformational building relationships with plants can be.

Many people hear me talk about my journeys with plant spirits and then they have a total... huh? moment or make this face 😧 because they are baffled that someone can experience something like this with plants without the use of a psychedelic or hallucinogen of some kind AND without ingesting the plant at all. At some point when psychedelics became mainstream in their use and everyone around the world started seeking them out, people also adapted the belief that this was the only method available to experience journeys, visions and so on.

Did you know that there are people who actually feel more connected to psychedelic plants in the process of growing them rather than when they ingest them?

Did you know that plants, like many other nature spirits, are always reaching out to you in various ways?

Did you know that you can experience the magic of soul connection with plants and receive your own unique guidance from them?

These pieces are at the heart and soul of the practices in Plant Spirit Medicine.

All plants naturally want to connect with us, we share a home here on earth, but our limited human vision and consciousness perceives everything through the lens of separation in this reality. This has led to the belief that we have to go to extremes and be in a state where we surrender control to connect with nature.

Plant spirit medicine allows you to go deeper into ANY plant, without the need for ingestion or even touching them or being near them. You can connect with plants around the world without ever having met them! It's truly the coolest!

One of my most vivid plant experiences I've ever had to date was with a plant that truly stands out in my garden.

There was a period of time in 2022 where I was going through the thick of my emotions surrounding my family and the dynamics of it. What was once a very harmonious unit became a very destructive and hostile space for me. For whatever reason, I have chosen in this lifetime to be both the "Buddha" and the "Scapegoat" of my family. In July, I was experiencing pain in my chest. Not physical pain, more like an energetic density and splitting. I realized I was going through the final feelings of heartbreak with them, as I was in a deep acceptance phase at the time and preparing to move. I went out to the garden to just enjoy the plants and there she was. Elecampane (Inula helenium) spoke loud and true - "I can help you heal right now and soften your heart. Drink my tea and breathe deeply." I went inside, grabbed some elecampane root, made a decoction and drank it nice and slowly. The taste isn't really my favourite but it instantly helped soothe my broken heart. I continued to drink it for months and even carried a piece of root that I harvested from my garden with me to Scotland as my "support plant". This plant helped ease the intensity to make it more digestible for me, and now I can be in the presence of my family without extreme triggers of that wound.

As I continued to explore this plant and taught the students in my previous course - Medicine Woman how to connect with it, I saw that this plant is highly protective and deeply expansive for the lungs and heart. Many students shared that they felt an ease in their plant spirit journey with Elecampane and that it lasted for long after.

And this right here is why I felt guided to teach on plant spirit medicine. This practice doesn't really bring something new to us, instead it stokes the embers deep in the soul that help us remember the old ways of relating to nature. I've designed it to be a course for plant connection but it will help you relate that much deeper to the soul in all life.

If given the opportunity, plants can help us pull back the veil on our reality so that we can see what is hidden just beneath the surface. The messages, guidance and healing we need from them happens on all levels, not just the physical. Plant spirit medicine helps us make these connections with ease and trust.

I'm excited to launch this mini, and to contribute to creating a world slightly more connected in heart and soul.

The plants have messages for you, are you ready to hear them?

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